Zander Hodgson
Zander was born and raised in Shropshire in the West Midlands of England. He grew up living with his sister and mother. He started dancing when he was just 5 taking tap dance classes which then progressed to ametuer dramatic performances in the town and schools each year. He left his hometown to model and study acting in London. He studied at Arts Ed and Actors Temple specializing in the Meisner Technique. He then moved to Los Angeles after receiving his Green Card.
We asked Zander a few questions so that you could get to know him better...
What was the defining moment that made you become an actor?
I don't remember a specific moment. I think it was like a dripping tap. I loved how it felt to escape watching movies as a kid and I think I wanted to take it to that next level and be in that fantasy fully involved in the process when I understood what acting was. I was always playing with my friends.
Who is your biggest inspiration in the TV/Film industry?
I grew up watching a lot of River Phoenix and Leonardo DiCaprio movies. I looked up to them and the roles they chose meant something to me at different points in my life.
What is your favorite Television show/Film?
I love a lot of different movies like Stand by me, the Goonies, Dirty Dancing, The Paperboy, Bully, Boogie Nights ,Almost Famous , The Fighter.
For TV... How to get away with murder, Breaking bad, Nip tuck, Prison Break, The People Vs OJ.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
I would be able to fly. I love those dreams where you fly around and it would save so much time.