Ethan Wisdom
My interest in modeling and acting ranges from a love of ethereal aesthetic beauty to a more grounded storytelling with darker emotional method acting. My uniqueness stems from me having a good understanding of human behavior in today’s culture and my personality has a lot of depth. My outward self has a unique femininity and classic beauty that is rare in the male acting world right now.
Why did you want to become an actor?
I want to be an actor because it is the clear path to the life I want to create. I want a life where I can fully develop and express my aesthetic visions and urges and where I am surrounded by like-minded, inspired people who seek the deeper themes of life and of art.
Who is your biggest inspiration in the industry?
Right now, my biggest inspiration in the industry would be Kirsten Dunst. She inspires me because she is in almost every one of my favorite films, from Interview with the Vampire (1994), to Marie Antoinette (2006) and many more. For my career, I want to be in a collection of films that are beautiful and meaningful to me, similar to many of her roles and films.
What's your favorite TV show?
My favorite TV show would be American Horror Story, specifically the Coven and Hotel seasons.
If you could be a super hero who who and why would it be?
I would choose Batman. His Bruce Wayne side of his character is a positive intellectual with good intentions while his Batman side is more shadowy, fearless and reclusive.
What’s your favorite film?
My favorite film is Interview with the Vampire (1994). I’m a big fan of the book series The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice as well.