Cooper Bombadil

Cooper has traveled around the US on a motorcycle, and has toured with a gypsy jazz band in a purple bus that ran on vegetable oil. He loves to talk philosophy, and has always played in rock bands. He was born in Corvallis, Oregon, and began performing with the violin at age five. At 11, he saw his dad act and sing in, "The Pirates of Penzance," and was inspired to jump on stage, too. He continued acting in musicals and plays throughout his youth, and found that he really enjoyed the supporting characters who had a lot of flair. While studying for a Philosophy degree at the University of Oregon, he joined the award-winning male a cappella group, "On the Rocks."
We asked Cooper a few questions so that you could get to know him better...
Who is your biggest inspiration in the film industry and what kind of actor would you like to be?
My biggest inspiration is Phillip Seymour Hoffman. I love how he savored every aspect of a role, and had the ability to alter his appearance so much that you couldn't recognize him. I remember seeing, "The Big Lebowski," and being amazed to find out that he was the butler. It was such a hilarious role for such a dramatic actor. Coming in a close second is Tom Hardy. I admire that he is able to convey so much about his character in the smallest of gestures. The mental and emotional background is vividly apparent in the simplest motions that he makes. I want to be an actor like these two: someone who can meld with another mind and can convey the mental and emotional life of the character with every word and activity. I also have a man-crush on Brad Pitt.
What is your favorite Movie? TV Show?
My favorite movie is, "Akira." The visuals and music in it are incredible, and the story is complex. I was carried away when I saw this movie for the first time. My favorite TV show is, "True Detective." I identified with Matthew McConaughey's character, and the sci-fi/noir story was right up my alley.
What is your favorite Book?
Probably Naked Lunch or Steppenwolf. Naked Lunch is anarchic art. It affected my creativity. Steppenwolf (and most Hermann Hesse books) feel like reflections.
Favorite Superhero?
I like Gambit. All of the X-Men are great. They have superhuman powers, but their powers make them outcasts rather than idols. It's almost more of a curse than a blessing. And Gambit is the best because he's seductive and a loner.